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Karin Herzog

Karin Herzog (Docteur et chercheur ... pour la science et la vie)

Le Dr Paul Herzog, fils d'un diplomate suisse et d'une mère autrichienne, mène ses études de médecine à Bucarest, puis à Vienne, à la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

En 1948, il lutte contre l'épidémie de poliomyélite. La maladie fait de terribles ravages. Le virus attaque les poumons et les malades meurent d'étouffement sous les yeux des médecins impuissants. C'est pour le Dr Paul Herzog l'occasion de manifester son génie inventif. En collaboration avec le Professeur Clarence Crafoord, il crée un appareil qui supplée à toute défaillance du système respiratoire. On peut désormais soigner les gens atteints.

Le Dr Paul Herzog met ensuite au point un système complémentaire pour analyser la composition de l'air inhalé et rejeté par les individus, de façon à pouvoir reproduire cet air lors d'opérations sous narcose. Toutes ces découvertes lui valent la remise du titre de Docteur Honoris Causa de l'Institut Nobel.

Le Dr Paul Herzog, et d'autres avant lui, n'ignore pas que l'oxygène naissant est le meilleur désinfectant. Malheureusement, il s’agit d'un élément volatile qui ne se conserve pas dans une crème ou dans une autre substance équivalente.

Lorsque le Dr Paul Herzog se penche sur le problème, il y a déjà plus d'un demi-siècle que des médecins essaient de fixer l'oxygène. Son épouse Karin, esthéticienne, l'assiste dans ses travaux. Un jour, alors qu'il teste l'effet de l'oxygène sur la peau, son épouse s'exclame «Mais c'est justement ce qu'il me faut !»

Il s'agit en fait d'une double découverte. D'une part le Dr Paul Herzog a réussi à stabiliser l'oxygène, à le «fixer» dans une crème. D'autre part cet oxygène, contenu sous forme liquide dans l'émulsion, se libère sous forme gazeuse au contact de la peau et provoque une pression qui injecte littéralement l'oxygène sous la peau.

Huit années de recherches ... un aboutissement

Huit années de recherches ... un aboutissement Pour son inventeur, l'avantage de cette formule saute aux yeux: la même émulsion conviendra à tous les types de peau, dans la mesure où l'action de l'oxygène normalise les fonctions de l'épiderme. Ses fonctions rétablies, il suffira de donner à la peau les vitamines et les substances indispensables à son bon équilibre.

Le Dr Paul Herzog crée sa gamme de produits basés sur l'émulsion à l'oxygène, et la teste d'abord longuement en clinique, à Stockholm. Encouragés par les résultats, Paul et Karin Herzog décident d'ouvrir un Institut de Beauté en Suisse, sur les rives du Léman. L'enthousiasme et la fidélité de quelques milliers de clientes soignées incitent le couple à commercialiser mondialement leur ligne de soin qui porte le nom de « Karin Herzog ».

Oxygen Body 3% Without Fragrance : cette crème est ce que l’on appelle « L’Original » car c’est celle qui fut la première création du Docteur Paul Herzog.

Les produits Karin Herzog sont diffusés au Canada depuis 15 ans

L’émission canadienne « Beauté du Monde », a réalisé un tournage afin de présenter les produits et la famille Herzog.

Cette émission, dont voici trois extraits ci-dessous, a été diffusée au Canada en septembre 2006 (avec l’aimable autorisation de Beauté du Monde).

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Karin Herzog - Le Guide Beaute de Noelle Herzog -
  • CAD $51.25
  • Retail price CAD $51.25
  • Qty avail.: 0
  • Availability: Not available
Karin Herzog 2% Oxygen Face Cream Sebo 200 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog 2% Oxygen Face Cream Sebo 200 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khp005
  • Oxygen Face The ideal day and night cream for young skin or for oily skin types. Its 2% pure oxygen quickly regulates the skin and combats skin problems. This natural emulsion helps normalise the secretion of the sebum and maintains a balance of the hydro-lipid film. It tones, cle...
  • CAD $153.73
  • Retail price CAD $153.73
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Additional Sweet Cream (Day & Night) 50 ml
  • Karin Herzog Additional Sweet Cream (Day & Night) 50 ml
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr010_Group
  • Additional Day An ultra-smooth, comfortable day cream that protects the skin against radiation from computer screens, neon lights and other UV sources, thanks to its appropriate factor 2, day filter. This cream restores the hydro-lipid film of the epidermis, whilst providing additional comfort, and protects against external aggressions from...
Karin Herzog Additional Sweet Cream 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog Additional Sweet Cream 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khp010
  • Additional Sweet A comfort cream, rich in vitamin E, that nourishes and protects your skin. This cream is specially formulated for skin which has not yet acquired the comfort it deserves. With an incomparable texture, the outstanding quality of this cream will leave the surface of your skin wonderfully so...
  • CAD $106.58
  • Retail price CAD $106.58
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog After Shave Cream 50 ml
  • Karin Herzog After Shave Cream 50 ml
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr039
  • After Shave Fresh, tonic, moisturising, anti-wrinkle and fighting again the hair growing under the skin, this after-shaving cream benefits of the latest cosmetic researches. Skin care is not just for women! "After Shave" by Karin Herzog is certainly the only aftershave in the world to benefit from two paten...
  • CAD $79.97
  • Retail price CAD $79.97
  • Qty avail.: 9
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog AHA Cream (Acids Fruits) Night 50 ml (Oxygen Free)
  • Karin Herzog AHA Cream (Acids Fruits) Night 50 ml (Oxygen Free)
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr011_Group
  • AHA Cream This cream, judiciously based on fruit acids and extracts, removes the dull veil from the surface of the epidermis, to reveal soft skin with a beautiful, luminous appearance, subtly perfumed by fruit extracts. Recommended use : AHA Cream is used as a cure treatment, normally during springtime ...
Karin Herzog AHA Cream (Fruit Acids) 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog AHA Cream (Fruit Acids) 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khp011
  • AHA Cream This cream, judiciously based on fruit acids and extracts, helps remove the dull veil from the surface of the epidermis, to reveal the appearence of soft skin with a beautiful, luminous appearance, subtly perfumed by fruit extracts. Recommended use : AHA Cream is used as a cure treatme...
  • CAD $114.78
  • Retail price CAD $114.78
  • Qty avail.: 23
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Anti-Pimples Acnee Cure
  • Karin Herzog Anti-Pimples Acnee Cure
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: prokar18
  • Against the outbreaks of pimples with a Karin Herzog cure 1 x khr003-15 / Karin Herzog Vita Kombi 3% Oxygen 15ml (Day and Night) 1 x khr005 / Karin Herzog Face Cream Oxygen Face 2% (Sebo-Regulator) 50 ml 1 x khr007 / Karin Herzog Essential Oils Mask 50ml 1 x khr012...
  • CAD $338.11
  • Retail price CAD $338.11
  • Qty avail.: 0
  • Availability: Out of stock
Karin Herzog Apricot Oil 15 ml Serum
  • Karin Herzog Apricot Oil 15 ml Serum
  • (Based on 1 vote(s))
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr055
  • Apricot Oil The age-old qualities of apricot oil are widely known and appreciated. That is why Karin Herzog has included in her range an apricot oil, pure, soft and a natural complement to « Vita-A-Apricot » anti-wrinkle cream.To give you an idea of the properties of apricot oil: ...
  • CAD $58.00
  • Retail price CAD $58.00
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Apricot Oil 50 ml Serum Professional
  • Karin Herzog Apricot Oil 50 ml Serum Professional
  • (Based on 1 vote(s))
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khp055
  • Apricot Oil The age-old qualities of apricot oil are widely known and appreciated. That is why Karin Herzog has included in her range an apricot oil, pure, soft and a natural complement to « Vita-A-Apricot » anti-wrinkle cream.To give you an idea of the properties of apricot oil: ...
  • CAD $74.80
  • Retail price CAD $74.80
  • Qty avail.: 23
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Apron (1) -
  • CAD $61.48
  • Retail price CAD $61.48
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Back From Holliday Body Kit
  • Karin Herzog Back From Holliday Body Kit
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: prokar16
  • Perfect body treatment 2 x KHR019 - Karin Herzog Silhouette 4% Oxy Body Anti-Cellulite 150ml 1 x KHR046 - Karin Herzog Shower Body Scrub 150 ml 1 x KHR071 - Karin Herzog Tone & Tan (Firming & Tannery) 150 ml 1 x KHRPINCOR - Karin Herzog Body Brush
  • CAD $272.55
  • Retail price CAD $272.55
  • Qty avail.: 13
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog BB Cream Tinted Face Cream 45 ml
  • Karin Herzog BB Cream Tinted Face Cream 45 ml
  • (Based on 2 vote(s))
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr029
  • BB Cream with Marshmallow Absolute The new product from Dr. Paul and Karin Herzog's laboratory! Official Launching in Febuary 2016 Hyaluronic acid smooths the skin and helps fight against the appearance of age. The natural and organic clay give the color of the product. Knowen for it's mattifying properties, ...
  • CAD $64.99
  • Retail price CAD $64.99
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Body Brush
  • Karin Herzog Body Brush
  • (Based on 1 vote(s))
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khrpincor
  • Karin Herzog Facial Brush Karin Herzog treatments with active oxygen must be applied without massaging, with a brush. The active oxygen is associated with a particular mode of application, as it changes state and acts on the skin: Apply Karin Herzog treatment in a fine layer to allow the oxyg...
  • CAD $14.99
  • Retail price CAD $14.99
  • Qty avail.: 15
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Body Serum Force 9 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog Body Serum Force 9 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khp033
  • Serum Force 9 / AHA Gel BODY This serum composed with fruit extracts allows exfoliation of dead cells and helps the reduction of wrinkles. fine lines and age spots. It helps to tighten the pores, hydrate the horny layer of the epidermi, desensitize and tone. It helps normalize the sebaceou...
  • CAD $98.38
  • Retail price CAD $98.38
  • Qty avail.: 14
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Camomilla Cream Oxygen 1% 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog Camomilla Cream Oxygen 1% 100 ml Professional
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khp026
  • CHAMOMILE CALMING CREAM, 1% OXYGEN Chamomile face cream with 1% Oxygen represents the new generation of Karin Herzog creams, an extremely soft multi-function cream perfectly suited for sensitive skin and afflicted with rosacea, rosacea, acne-rosacea. This cream helps cleanse, moisturize, regenerate, exfoliate gently, calm and soothes the skin. Active ingredi...
  • CAD $122.98
  • Retail price CAD $122.98
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Camomille Face Cream Oxygen 1% 35ml
  • Karin Herzog Camomille Face Cream Oxygen 1% 35ml
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr026v
  • Soothe the tension … Chamomile face cream 35ml (currently filled in 50ml) Formulated with 1% of active oxygen combined with chamomile extracts; this soothing treatment provides the skin with the necessary hydration. Its light texture melts into the skin making the application easy and pleasant, with a naturally chamomile scent...
  • CAD $59.98
  • Retail price CAD $59.98
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Choco 2 Face Cream (Oxygen 2%) 50 ml -
  • Karin Herzog Choco 2 Face Cream (Oxygen 2%) 50 ml -
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr053
  • Choco2 The 2% oxygen in this product ensures that the cacao theobromine provides the skin with elements for radiant beauty, a well-nourished, luscious skin and a superb result. It’s the result of a successful union between beauty and a happy mental attitude! It’s all the pleasure of chocolate, whi...
  • CAD $76.00
  • Retail price CAD $76.00
  • Qty avail.: 0
  • Availability: Not available
Karin Herzog Chocolate (Choco 2) Cream (Oxygen 1%) 100 ml Professional
  • CAD $125.03
  • Retail price CAD $125.03
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Chocolate Face Cream (Oxygen Free) 100 ml Professional
  • CAD $112.73
  • Retail price CAD $112.73
  • Qty avail.: 9
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Chocolate Face Cream (Oxygen Free) 50 ml
  • Karin Herzog Chocolate Face Cream (Oxygen Free) 50 ml
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr054
  • Chocolate! (Oxygen free) The ultimate comfort cream, the cacao theobromine provides the skin with softness, comfort and elasticity as well as a natural scent: to be consumed… without moderation! Do you like chocolate? Now you can consume as much as you like, and still stay light! The formula of Ka...
  • CAD $64.99
  • Retail price CAD $64.99
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Chocolate Face Cream Oxygen 1% 35ml -
  • Karin Herzog Chocolate Face Cream Oxygen 1% 35ml -
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr053v
  • Give in without moderation … Chocolate face cream 35ml (currently filled in 50ml) Formulated with 1% of active oxygen and combined with chocolate extracts, this treatment brings the necessary hydration to this skin while nourishing it in depth. Its light texture melts into the skin making the application easy an...
  • CAD $59.98
  • Retail price CAD $59.98
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Chocolate Lip Balm 10 ml
  • Karin Herzog Chocolate Lip Balm 10 ml
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khrlip
  • Finally from Karin Herzog, a lip balm that helps bring all the virtues of chocolate to the lips. Helps to protect, moisturize and firm thanks to its Avocado and Wheatgerm oils. Anti-ageing prevention, softening and antioxidant thanks to its vitamin cocktail (A,B,C,D,E and PP) and cocoa theobromine. A mo...
  • CAD $42.00
  • Retail price CAD $42.00
  • Qty avail.: 24+
  • Availability: In stock
Karin Herzog Cleansing Milk Face & Eyes 200 ml
  • Karin Herzog Cleansing Milk Face & Eyes 200 ml
  • Karin Herzog
  • Code: khr013
  • Nouvelle Présentation Janvier 2015 - Photo à venir Cleansing Milk This fresh, soft, high quality milk cleanses and refreshes. The texture of this ultra high quality soft cleansing milk will simply amaze you. It removes make-up and refreshes the skin without dryness. It may be applied quickly...
  • CAD $59.98
  • Retail price CAD $59.98
  • Qty avail.: 17
  • Availability: In stock